Hörschbachschlucht Murrhardt
The Hörschbach is a left-hand, southern inflow of the Murr river, about 6 km long, flowing through a narrow and wild gorge. At the beginning, the “Hintere Wasserfall” (rear waterfall) cascades down for 12 m. At the top of this waterfall is the “Kläpple” weir, a reservoir that can be emptied by means of a valve in order to create an impressive waterfall for a short time when the water level is low. After this, the Hörschbach flows for another 2 km through the narrow Hörschbach gorge to the “Vordere Wasserfall” (front waterfall). Here, it cascades down 5 m over a scarp created by the “Engelhofer Platte”. This very wild gorge can be hiked along on narrow, adventurous paths that follow the Hörschbach. Sturdy footwear is a must!
Hint: In addition to the “Swabian Forest Trail", the Murrhardt tour "Zu den rauschenden Hörschbachwasserfällen" (To the rushing Hörschbach waterfalls) also leads through the gorge.