Museum of Daily Village Culture Aspach-Rietenau: Schwäbischer Wald


Museum of Daily Village Culture Aspach-Rietenau

In the former town hall in Rietenau, the Heimat- und Kulturverein e.V. (Association for local history and culture) runs a small but excellent museum of local history. On show are tools, documents and photographs. Special exhibitions are shown on the ground floor.

Here also, the ‘Schusterwerkstatt des Gotthilf Schwenger’ (Gotthilf Schwenger’s cobbler’s workshop) from Großaspach has found a home. If you have always wanted to know how shoes were made in the past, you are in exactly the right place.

Admission free.

Museum of Daily Village Culture Aspach-Rietenau
August-Lämmle-Straße 1
71546 Aspach-Rietenau
Telefonnummer: 07191 205 46